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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Telma Lucia Bezerra Alves” ,找到相关结果约32230条。
Estimativa da erosividade das chuvas na bacia do riacho Namorado, no município de S o Jo o do Cariri (PB) / Estimation of rainfall erosivity in Namorado Creek watershed, in the municipality of S o Jo o do Cariri (PB)
Telma Lucia Bezerra Alves,Pedro Vieira de Azevedo
Ambiência , 2013,
Abstract: Foi inventariado um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Montana, pouco erosividade da chuva é o termo da Equa o Universal da Perda de Solo que expressa a capacidade erosiva da precipita o pela desagrega o, por impacto, das partículas da superfície do solo, conduzindo à sua degrada o. Considerando a importancia deste fator no desencadeamento do processo erosivo, o presente estudo objetivou estimar o grau de erosividade da bacia hidrográfica do riacho Namorado, no município de S o Jo o do Cariri (PB). O método empregado para estimar a erosividade da chuva baseou-se nas equa es descritas na literatura especializada, com ajustamento para as condi es locais da equa o básica que relaciona a altura da chuva mensal e anual. Os resultados indicaram uma erosividade média anual de 78,07 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1 que, de acordo com a convers o realizada, corresponde a uma perda de solo de 7,95 tm mm ha-1 h ano-1. O índice de erosividade apresenta-se altamente correlacionado com o coeficiente de precipita o (R2 = 0,93), permitindo um bom ajustamento da equa o para o cálculo do índice de eros o, com maiores valores da erosividade nos meses de fevereiro, mar o e abril, os quais coincidem com o trimestre mais chuvoso.
Effectiveness of Mentha piperita in the Treatment of Infantile Colic: A Crossover Study
Jo o Guilherme Bezerra Alves,Rita de Cássia Coelho Moraes de Brito,Telma Samila Cavalcanti
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/981352
Abstract: Background. Infantile colic is a distressing and common condition for which there is no proven standard treatment. Objective. To compare the efficacy of Mentha piperita with simethicone in treatment for infantile colic. Methods. A double-blind crossover study was performed with 30 infants attending IMIP, Recife, Brazil. They were randomized to use Mentha piperita or simethicone in the treatment of infantile colic during 7 days with each drug. Primary outcomes were mother_s opinion about responses to the treatment, number of daily episodes of colic, and time spent crying, measured by a chronometer. Mann-Whitney and chi-square tests were used to compare the results. This study was previously approved by the Ethical Committee in Research at IMIP. Results. At baseline daily episodes of infantile colic was 3.9 (±1.1) and the mean crying time per day was 192 minutes (±51.6). At the end of the study daily episodes of colic fell to 1.6 (±0.6) and the crying duration decreased to 111 (±28) minutes. All mothers reported decrease of frequency and duration of the episodes of infantile colic and there were no differences between responses to Mentha piperita and simethicone. Conclusions. These findings suggest that Mentha piperita may be used to help control infantile colic. However, these results must be repeated by others studies.
Sele??o e herdabilidade na predi??o de ganhos genéticos em maracujá-amarelo
Gon?alves, Gustavo Menezes;Viana, Alexandre Pio;Bezerra Neto, Francisco Valdevino;Pereira, Messias Gonzaga;Pereira, Telma Nair Santana;
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X2007000200007
Abstract: the objective of this research was to evaluate the alternatives of selection for a population of yellow passion fruit, structured in design i, for obtaining the best genotypic gain prediction. six traits were evaluated in 113 progenies at two environments: vi?osa, mg, and miracema, rj, in brazil, grouped in three sets in the randomized blocks design, with three replications and three plants per plot. for gain prediction calculation, the indexes of mulamba & mock, pesek & baker, smith and hazel, and the selection based on number of fruits per plants, were used. the absence of interaction genotype versus environment was observed. the alternatives that presented the best genetic gain prediction were the combined selection and selection among male families. genetic gain prediction, based on combined selection, was 18.55% for direct selection of fruit number per plant. the indexes of smith and hazel presented the lowest genetic gain prediction. the indexes of mulamba & mock and pesek & baker had the highest predicted genetic gain. the indexes allied with alternatives studied have high potential in the selection of the progenies.
Influência dos hábitos alimentares na reinser o social de um grupo de estomizados
Daniela Gon?alves Silva,Ana Lucia Queiroz Bezerra,Karina Machado Siqueira,Thatianny Tanferri de Brito Paranaguá
Revista Eletr?nica de Enfermagem , 2010,
Abstract: forma positiva ou negativa no seu processo de adapta o a essa situa o. Este estudo objetivou identificar os hábitos alimentares adotados por estomizados e investigar a influência desses hábitos no controle de suas fun es intestinais,assim como, as repercuss es no seu convívio social. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, realizado junto a 25 estomizados vinculados à Associa o dos Ostomizados de Goiás, em Goiania-GO, entre os meses de janeiro e mar o de 2006. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de entrevistas gravadas e a análise seguiu o referencial da Análise de Conteúdo.Foram identificadas as seguintes categorias de resultados: Ado o de novos hábitos alimentares: riscos e benefícios à saúde dos estomizados e Hábitos alimentares dos estomizados e suas repercuss es no convívio social. Os estomizados destacam como fatores colaborativos para o retorno à sua vida social, a importancia de aprender a conviver com o estoma e a regular o hábito intestinal por meio da alimenta o. Observou-se que os novos hábitos alimentares adotados pelos estomizados podem provocar repercuss es positivas ou negativas em sua saúde, sendo importante que os profissionais de saúde que trabalham com essa clientela estejam atentos a esse aspecto.
Multiplicidade de vínculos de médicos no Estado do Ceará
Maciel,Regina Heloisa; Santos,Jo?o Bosco Feitosa dos; Sales,Telma Bessa; Alves,Marco Aurélio de Andrade; Luna,Ana Paula; Feitosa,Leonardo Bezerra;
Revista de Saúde Pública , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0034-89102010005000030
Abstract: objective: to analyze the multiple job contracts of physicians in the brazilian national health system in the state of ceará. methods: documental research was performed about the work contracts of the physicians, based on data of health professional contracts in the municipalities of ceará state, northeastern brazil, in 2008. indices were created for the quantity of contracts of each physician, as well as the municipalities where each physician maintained work contracts. the distances between the municipalities where they worked was calculated in order to estimate the total weekly hours of work. results: of the 7,008 physicians employed by the ceará state, 3,751 (53.5%) maintain between two and four job contracts and 39 (0.6%) between 11 and 20 contracts. one professional maintained 20 contracts. more than half (51.9%) of the physicians had work contracts that when summed totaled more than 40 weekly working hours and 27.0% (1,894) maintained job contracts with more than one municipality. conclusions: in order to increase their work income, physicians undertake various jobs, practicing their profession in different locations and various municipalities, involving constant travel and contributing to the precarious conditions of their own lives and, therefore, of the public health system.
Detec??o imunoistoquímica das oncoproteínas p21ras, c-myc E p53 no carcinoma hepatocelular e no tecido hepático n?o-neoplásico
Pannain, Vera Lucia Nunes;Bottino, Adriana Caroli;Santos, Raimunda Telma M.;Coelho, Henrique Sérgio M.;Ribeiro-Filho, Joaquim;Alves, Venancio A. F.;
Arquivos de Gastroenterologia , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-28032004000400005
Abstract: background: genetic and epigenetic alterations have been described in animal hepatocarcinogenesis models but need to be studied in human being. aims: to assess the immunoreactivity of p21ras, c-myc and p53 oncoproteins in hepatocellular carcinoma and non neoplastic tissue. association of the immunoreactivity of these markers with histological grades and patterns, hepatitis b and c were additionally studied. methods: detection of oncoproteins p21ras, c-myc and p53 was performed immunohistochemically in hepatocellular carcinoma (47 cases) and surrounding non neoplastic liver tissue (40 cases). results: oncoproteins p21ras, c-myc and p53 were detected in 44,7%, 53,2% and 36,2% of the hepatocellular carcinoma cases, respectively. the p21ras and c-myc immunoreactivity has shown a significant association. however there was no association of p21ras, c-myc and p53 detection with hepatitis b and c virus infections, histological grades and patterns. the same significant association between p21ras and c-myc was observed in non-neoplastic tissue with cirrhosis when compared with tissue without it. the p53 immunoreactivity was negative in all non-neoplastic liver tissue samples. conclusions: the immunoreactivity detection of p21ras, c-myc and p53 corroborates previous evidence of their detection in hepatocellular carcinoma that suggest the participation of these proteins in human hepatocarcinogenesis. the significant association between p21ras and c-myc oncoproteins in hepatocellular carcinoma and in cirrhosis can point to an interaction between them mainly, in hepatocarcinogenesis that occurs through cirrhosis.
Genetic parameter estimates in yellow passion fruit based on design I
Gon?alves, Gustavo Menezes;Viana, Alexandre Pio;Pereira, Messias Gonzaga;Bezerra Neto, Francisco Valdevino;Amaral Júnior, Ant?nio Teixeira do;Pereira, Telma Nair Santana;Gon?alves, Tiago José Menezes;
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-89132009000300002
Abstract: the aim of this work was to study the genetic parameters, to obtaine the progenies by crossings among the yellow passion fruits cultivars (passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa), following the design i. the results of the variance analysis demonstrated large variability to be exploited in the population. the trait number of fruit per plant presented the largest additive genetic variation coefficient, demonstrating that larger gains could be obtained for the trait. in terms of genetic action, number of fruits per plant, skin thickness and number of days by flowering have demonstrated to be characterized by the overdominance. other important traits seem to have presented larger addictive effect than the dominance, as weight, length and width of fruits. the highest values of the coefficients of heritabilities were obtained for the males and the smallest for the females within males, and for the selection the coefficients should be used in the narrow sense.
O Sistema único de Saúde, 20 anos: balan?o e perspectivas
Menicucci, Telma Maria Gon?alves;
Cadernos de Saúde Pública , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-311X2009000700021
Abstract: this article reviews the strides and challenges of the brazilian unified national health system (sus), based on an assessment of the results achieved and the constraints for effective consolidation of it objectives. the article focuses on three issues: the process of implementing the sus, highlighting the institutional and political constraints, some of which as effects of previous policies; strides towards more accessible and comprehensive care, with an impact on some health indicators, and institutional innovations with positive impacts on the system's management; and challenges for consolidating the objectives, as a result of exogenous factors in relation to the sus, emphasizing the need for its politicization and greater legitimization.
Implementa??o da reforma sanitária: a forma??o de uma política
Menicucci, Telma Maria Gon?alves;
Saúde e Sociedade , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-12902006000200008
Abstract: this paper analyses the process of implementation of the health system reform in the 1990s. the starting point is the proposition that policy implementation is endowed with autonomy and involves decisions, apart from being a process of adaptation to changes in context; implementation requires governmental decision and initiative and tools to make it effective, among them the availability of financial resources and organized political support, especially from those groups that benefit more directly. the process of implementation of the health system reform was not simply a concrete translation of decisions, but also a process of health policy design. in it, the effects not only of adjustments in the political and economic contexts and of the reconfiguration of the public agenda, but mainly the feedback effects of previous health policies could be felt. the latter translated themselves into the absence of political support, underfinancing and the incapacity to create a public network of services. they acted as constraints to the full implementation of the reform, as it was conceived by its formulators. within these limits, crucial decisions were made, which redefined the reform, the most important being, on the one hand, the creation of a regulatory framework for private assistance that made the segmentation explicit, formally abandoning any universalistic intent, and, on the other hand, those related to financing, which still are an object of dispute. the result is the consolidation of a dualistic health system - public and private.
A política de saúde no governo Lula
Menicucci, Telma Maria Gon?alves;
Saúde e Sociedade , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-12902011000200022
Abstract: the essay reflects on the health policy implemented in the eight years of president lula's government, identifying a change of focus in the governmental agenda: from the exclusive emphasis on the gradual implementation of sus (brazil's national health system) in the first term of office to life conditions and health determinants in the second one. it argues that the health policies of a government cannot be evaluated only by a sectorial perspective; it is necessary to examine the government's steps, orientations and products that have repercussions on the population's health and on the organization of the services system. the central proposition is that lula's government was more innovative concerning interventions on health determinants than regarding the endogenous aspect of the health policy. in the sectorial scope, the progresses were incremental and qualitative, in the continuous and difficult process of implementing the principles of sus in a context of depoliticization of the health issue and of a debate focusing only on financing, without including in the public agenda the structural problems of the health system.

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